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Arma3.exe Bad Image
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I have just purchased a steam copy of arma 3 and i am unable to play because when i go to start the game it'll quit and give me the error "C\windows\system32\dsound.dll is not for windows or there is an error with it" I have tried to run dxsetup.exe provided with the game but the same error message will pop up and i have not been able to find a remedy yet.


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

install game, set up game, click play, nothing (or error window saying arma3.exe bad image), still on desktop.

Additional Information

I've tried the following remedies:
-reverting the directx version to a previous one through regedit
-command prompt sfc /scannow
-command prompt sfc /scannow in safe mode
-verifying game integrity
-deleting all associated files and re downloading them several times
-disabling firewall
-downloading a new dsound.dll and swapping it out in the system32 folder
-launching in windowed mode
-updating video card drivers
-updating sound card drivers

Im not sure what the issue is but i cannot get the dxsetup.exe to work or if thats even the problem.

Event Timeline

MrBelch edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 22 2015, 9:08 PM
MrBelch edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
MrBelch set Category to Game Crash.
MrBelch set Reproducibility to Always.
MrBelch set Severity to None.
MrBelch set Resolution to Open.
MrBelch set Legacy ID to 3877118069.May 7 2016, 8:19 PM

-I've also tried the -nobenchmark command line option


could you please upload your DX-Diag file?
You can find how to get your file here:

Adam added a subscriber: Adam.May 7 2016, 8:19 PM
Adam added a comment.Apr 2 2015, 10:02 AM


Please try installing following DirectX package and see if the problem gets fixed. If not please attach Dx-Diag file as Iceman requested. Thank you