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Crashing/locking up
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I wanted to test the new directx, and I have to say it increased my frames and overall experience a good 10-20% maybe even more. However during alt tabs when I alt tab back in I get the screen locks up. Some times during loading the game, it just locks up. I cant alt tab but I can still talk on team speak. other times it was worked for a while than just all of a sudden locks up and I donot get these issues back on my win 8.1 x64 os.


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

windows 10 x64 9926, start arma 3, try to alt tab, load trackir with team speak, just play it and it will happen.

Additional Information

Only other factors which may only be my problems related to me is I am using a tripple monitor setup 5760x1080 with 3 gtx780s

Event Timeline

onedigita edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
onedigita set Category to Game Crash.
onedigita set Reproducibility to Always.
onedigita set Severity to None.
onedigita set Resolution to Open.
onedigita set Legacy ID to 3398667372.May 7 2016, 8:18 PM

Have you actually managed to crash the game with the reproduction?

yes several times, alt tabbing seems to cause it the most, but ive also noticed it once when changing view distance

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:49 PM