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Game crash uppon server join
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Every time i join a server i chras afte 0-2 minutes of play time.

This problem was with me since i bought the game and i tried many fixes and still no result. I tried to set launch optins on steam and reinstaling the game.


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Join server.
  2. Select a role and click OK.
  3. Wait for map and mission to load.
  4. Play game for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Crash.
Additional Information

Event Timeline

Bohemia edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 16 2015, 9:02 PM
Bohemia edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bohemia set Category to Game Crash.
Bohemia set Reproducibility to Always.
Bohemia set Severity to None.
Bohemia set Resolution to Open.
Bohemia set Legacy ID to 2522765076.May 7 2016, 8:17 PM

Thank you for reporting the issue.
We need crash dump files from this folder to analyze your problem.
C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\
Can you upload somewhere in winrar package, please?
Archive smaller than 5000 KB can be attached directly to the ticket. For bigger archives, please use some free sharing service and post link here.

How to find correct crashdump file:
Try to make the crash happen
Look into crashdump folder
Upload crashdump with latest date in name (crashdump is rpt + bidmp + mdmp file with same name). Please try to provide as many crashdumps as possible, it helps us investigating the problem in a big way.

Thank you.

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:50 PM