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Visual C++ Run-Time Error - R6002
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since a few days i get this error on my Arma 3 Windows Server installation:

Visual C++ Run-Time Error
R6002 - floating point support not loaded

After the error shows up, the server seems to be running, but dont let users connect to it (still shows up in Serverlist). After closing that error, the Server starts new and everything is fine.

As you can see in the Screenshot provided, the CPU usage drops down before the server stops to response.

These are the last messages in the RPT log:
23:09:04 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(60741236): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
23:09:14 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(88932593): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
23:09:15 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(596277967): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
23:09:46 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(110788925): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
23:10:07 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(1602499644): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled {F25551} {F25552} {F25553}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  • cant reproduce that error -

Event Timeline

modulstyle edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
modulstyle set Category to Server.
modulstyle set Reproducibility to Random.
modulstyle set Severity to None.
modulstyle set Resolution to Open.
modulstyle set Legacy ID to 554922939.May 7 2016, 8:14 PM
Iceman added a comment.Feb 9 2015, 2:54 PM

could you please upload a server rpt file and if possible, a Dx-Diag file?


i uploaded both files you asked for.

In the RPT is the last alive response:

11:15:27 "<>SL| 2h 15min | Jaasu(76561198020449089) | BadVar in profileNamespace: zeus%ef%bf%bdvs%ef%bf%bd_reloads_false - zeus (v0100)"

After that the Server spams the log file with:
11:18:39 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(1166739984): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

stonXer added a subscriber: stonXer.May 7 2016, 8:14 PM

We had this problem recently, turned out to be two cheats trying to inject code, banned both and problem gone away.