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Server Crash
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi i'm Jan,

as first sorry for my really bad english im comming from Germany.

I have a Altis Life Server by the hoster Nitrado from Germany.
I have written a Ticket to them, because my Server has a Fail.
The Answer of this was the config itself are in the folder arma3/config .bidmp several files and I should write here so you fix it to the next update.

I hope you can help me by this Fail and i hope you could this understand

Thanks, Jan {F25456} {F25457}


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

This Fail comes anytime when i start the Server.

Additional Information

The Server is not availible in the Server list in Arma 3 and i can not open the Ban-List in my Webinterface. I hope that is the right File than i have a lot of more from there.

Event Timeline

theCookieHD edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
theCookieHD set Category to Game Crash.
theCookieHD set Reproducibility to Always.
theCookieHD set Severity to None.
theCookieHD set Resolution to Open.
theCookieHD set Legacy ID to 2048297057.May 7 2016, 8:09 PM

thank you for reporting the issue. To analyze the crash, we will need all the crashdumps you have (crashdump is rpt + bidmp + mdmp file with the same name). Please upload them here.

Hi Iceman,

of the recommendation of the Nitrado Support i have reinstalled the Server since them the Server function the Server so half...

I have from a Backup yesterday the Server reinstalled and now i have new bidmp and rpt Files. I upload the Files with the Name: .

Sry for this, i have any idea how it all works here.

Thanks, Jan

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:54 PM