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Sudden frame drop and freezes while multiplayer gameplay
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This issue usually happens when I am playing multiplayer game rather then singleplayer. My frames ar much lower in Multiplayer game and they fluctuate between 20-30. Although game is pretty stable in havely populated base or in battlefield.
Although it is sometime happenes that while multiplayer gameplay my frames drop drastically, and it cause freezing of a game for couple of secounds. Sometime games will start working proparly again, or it will result in crash of the game or displaying of the message Arma 3 stopped working. I even posted the bideo on YouTube that shows the performance of the game . So as you can see the game works pretty decent on my PC ommiting this suddany freezes. I turned off my anty-virus program or other programs that could affect Arma performance.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

I have to play like 20 minutes, than suddanly that problem starts to occure.

Additional Information

Intel Core i5-4210U 1.70GHz
Nvidia Geforce 820M 2GB

Event Timeline

MutantPike edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
MutantPike set Category to Gameplay.
MutantPike set Reproducibility to Always.
MutantPike set Severity to None.
MutantPike set Resolution to Open.
MutantPike set Legacy ID to 594804145.May 7 2016, 8:07 PM

Thank you for reporting the issue.
We need crash dump files from this folder for solve your problem.
C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\
Can you upload somewhere in winrar package please?
When package is smaller than 5000k, please attach it here. If it is bigger, please use some free sharing service and post link here.

How to find correct crashdump file:
Try to make the crash happen
Look into crashdump folder
Upload crashdump with latest date in name (crashdump is rpt + bidmp + mdmp file with same name). Please try to provide as many crashdumps as possible, it helps us investigating the problem in a big way.

Thank you.

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:54 PM