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MP crashes anytime I try to join a server.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Problem persist across all servers and game modes. Click on server, loading screen comes up, ARMA crashes with no warning (ghost-crash). SP and other game modes work just fine. Was able to play on multiplayer prior to recent update. Have tried playing on the dev version running v 1.39 and was able to connect to MP without a crash. All drivers on my computer are up to date. Internet connection is solid. Problem persist across multiple networks (don't feel this is the issue but wanted to add that as well). I have been able to get as far as the lobby for about 15 seconds. I have friends that can play just fine and are running on similar systems. {F25425} {F25426}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Click MP
Select Server
Enter Server PW (if needed)
Loading Screen

Additional Information

attached is a folder with .dmp files from the past 3 nights and a copy of my system specs.

Event Timeline

TheMC85 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 20 2015, 5:27 AM
TheMC85 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
TheMC85 set Category to Multiplayer.
TheMC85 set Reproducibility to Always.
TheMC85 set Severity to None.
TheMC85 set Resolution to Open.
TheMC85 set Legacy ID to 2520398801.May 7 2016, 8:06 PM
TheMC85 added a subscriber: TheMC85.

Uploaded correct files

Just wanted to add, I have tried basic TS steps, firewall, AV, etc.

does the crash create bidmp + mdmp files in the same folder as the rpt? If so, could you please attach these? Thank you very much.

No, I have not seen any of those files. They would be in the same location as the rpt right?

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:54 PM