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Bootcamp Crash Mission damage control
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The mission starts at the sight of the convoy. Boarding the chopper is fine. boarding the truck is fine. after reaching destination the team leader assigns your objective and the objective appears. as you reach the destination it seems as though a clip will start. movie bars come on then the screen goes dark and fades to a blue dim blue screen. there is a treeline in the background and i am able to see my hud and weapon. i am able to fire the weapon once but no other functions work. It seems as though the game has crashed though it doesn't exit and i can still reach the menu, although i am hindered from proceeding any further. i have reproduced this several times.

I was able to finish the mission after about 4 times of aborting the mission and starting over.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

start the mission and board the helicopter, follow the objective until the team leader gives you your assignment. travel to the destination and the problem ensues.

Additional Information

I exceed system requirements, I have an AMD built PC. AMD A6-6400k Processor (3.9-4.2ghz). Also a ZOTAC nvidia geforce GT 630 graphics card (4gb dedicated ram) and 8 gb ram. the game runs smoothly and my graphics are set to low just to keep the game at optimum preformance. Also running DirectX 11. all drivers are up to date.

I also just bought the game today (1/16/15) so im sure all the patches are up to date.

Event Timeline

IEatCrayons edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
IEatCrayons set Category to Bootcamp.
IEatCrayons set Reproducibility to Always.
IEatCrayons set Severity to None.
IEatCrayons set Resolution to Open.
IEatCrayons set Legacy ID to 1500106221.May 7 2016, 8:06 PM

Thank you for reporting the issue.
We need crash dump files from this folder for solve your problem.
C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\
Can you upload somewhere in winrar package please?
When package is smaller than 5000k, please attach it here. If it is bigger, please use some free sharing service and post link here.

How to find correct crashdump file:
Try to make the crash happen
Look into crashdump folder
Upload crashdump with latest date in name (crashdump is rpt + bidmp + mdmp file with same name). Please try to provide as many crashdumps as possible, it helps us investigating the problem in a big way.

Thank you.

Unfortunately since i was able to complete the mission it will not repeat the same crash. Hopefully the crash i uploaded helps a bit.

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:55 PM