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Game crashes when creating new server (internet)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After opening the "NEW" tab in server browser the Configure Server window opens.
I select Internet option and then press Accept button. Instantly the game crashes without any error message. After waiting "Arma 3 stopped working." Windows message apears. {F25401}


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Open Arma.
Play > Multiplayer.
Press NEW button.
Set server from LAN to Internet.
Press Accept button.

Additional Information

This issue didn't happen to me months ago. I was able to create a server for coop Missions.

I searched about this issue in forums. A lot of people seems to have this problem. Some of them fixed it deleting all workshop suscribtions (what really doesn't make sense) But this is not my solution.

I tried out the LAN option, it works fine.

Port 2302 and 2303 are open.

Event Timeline

blackyesp edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
blackyesp set Category to Game Crash.
blackyesp set Reproducibility to Always.
blackyesp set Severity to None.
blackyesp set Resolution to Open.
blackyesp set Legacy ID to 4065787605.May 7 2016, 8:05 PM

does it also crash when you disable all mods? If so, could you please upload new crash dumps without the mods?

Thank you very much.

Hello Iceman, the uploaded crash dump is already without mods.

Please, answer if you want me to try something or if you have any idea for fix.

Could you please verify your game files via Steam? There still seems to be some problem with data.

All files have been verified correctly. But the game still crashes.

Any idea? Want me to try something more, Iceman?

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:56 PM