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Camp Maxwell bug
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I started a new campaign today, my second. I reached the point where the game loads Camp Maxwell for the first time, but I get a double loading screen, then the game shuts back into the menu telling me: No entry 'A3\Missions_F_EPA\description.ext/Campaign/missions/A_hub02B_hub01'.
When I check the menu with the different campaigns listed, I can see a double "Camp Maxwell" checked green, and the complete campaign is over. Adapt Campaign is suddenly accessible.
I tried to restart PC, restart Steam, restart game, but same thing happens whenever I try to revert to Camp Maxwell.
No clues on a for mentioned message, so best thing I thought was to report it here. Hope you guys can fix it for me.

Thanx in forward,



Legacy ID
Campaign Episode 1: Survive
Additional Information

On my first playthrough, it worked fine, only the first game got bugged at the ending of the last mission. I used a cheat code to end the mission. But this is different. The complete campaign gets inaccessible.
I don't want to check on my other profile if the same thing happens, because then I loose my entire progress.

Event Timeline

Binnatics edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Binnatics set Category to Campaign Episode 1: Survive.
Binnatics set Reproducibility to Always.
Binnatics set Severity to None.
Binnatics set Resolution to Open.
Binnatics set Legacy ID to 1390109449.May 7 2016, 8:05 PM

Hello, it is possible that your game files are corrupted.
could you please verify your game files via Steam?

Thanx for the quick reply. I did what you suggested. Steam validated the whole bunch of local files, all successful. I retried reverting the campaign, but the same thing happened. So it didn't quite work out :/
Other ideas? An entire new install may do it? But will I lose my savegames if I do that?

The suggested tip does not work. I don't have more info on the subject. Could you be more specific in what kind of info you need? I do want to solve this issue

Vitdom added a subscriber: Vitdom.May 7 2016, 8:05 PM

Could you try deleting the following folder?

C:\Users\USER\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\NICKNAME\Saved\a3\Missions_F_EPA\

I did that. It erased my career in that specific player profile/nickname. I tested if the same thing should appear again, but it didn't. I am now in Camp Maxwell.

Case closed.

Thank you guys for your help!