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So many issues...
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I've never bought a game and within 1 day had literally every single issue posted on the forums happen to me. Biggest waste of money. First off, after installing the game I went onto a server with a friend and literally no issue at all. After 10 minutes the game crashed to desktop with no error message at all. Not even a crash dump. I went back onto the game and it now takes me about ~10 attempts to log into a server, any server.

What happens is one of three things:

  1. (This is all in wasteland) I connect to a server and at the first main window (character/team select) the game puts me on the Civilian (purple) team and it won't let me move. I end up just clicking OK to see if I can get into the game and immediately it says Connection to host has been lost.
  2. The server reacts slowly but actually works when I click on a player slot and moves me to that slot, after clicking OK it loads the server information and right at the end the server times out and 'red chains' for 50+ seconds and just hangs.
  3. Crash to desktop when trying to load into server. (APPCRASH)

On #3 my entire computer froze and I couldn't do anything so I just force restarted my computer. When attempting to login to steam it just said 'Could not connect to the steam network'. For about 10 minutes and it then finally let me through (I didn't change anything). I checked steam's status as well while I was having this issue and the Steam servers were fine. It was on my end.

I've managed to get into a server just once since this all started after constant reloading of steam and the game. About 5 minutes of playing I wasn't having any issues and then me and my buddy got into a vehicle with him driving. At first the car was driving fine and I wasn't lagging, then out of the blue it started lagging like hell, I told him to stop the car (I heard the engine stop making noise) and about 5 seconds later I crash and it gives me an error saying 'Out of Memory (Requested 0kb).

I have 4GB of Video Memory and 12GB of System Memory, I shouldn't be having these issues. I changed the 2 parameters on the launcher and set both of them to 2047 (2GB) but I cant seem to connect to a server as usual so I can't even test that out.

Out of the 3 friends I have that play this game, I'm the only one that gets any issue at all and it seems I'm somehow getting every issue this game has to offer. {F25330}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Connecting to server.
Driving a vehicle.

Additional Information

Attached is all the BIDMP and RPT files put into a RAR. Not sure if any of those files will help with the connection issues, but they should help with the crashes.

Event Timeline

hEEby edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 31 2014, 10:14 PM
hEEby edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
hEEby set Category to General.
hEEby set Reproducibility to Always.
hEEby set Severity to None.
hEEby set Resolution to Open.
hEEby set Legacy ID to 2847194402.May 7 2016, 8:02 PM
Iceman added a comment.Jan 6 2015, 4:41 PM

thank you for reporting the issue. Are also mdmp files created along with rpt and bidmp? So far it looks like the game runs out of memory for you for some reason.

hEEby added a subscriber: hEEby.May 7 2016, 8:02 PM
hEEby added a comment.Jan 8 2015, 1:39 AM

I seemed to have fixed the memory issue on my own by manually making the game use 2GB of system and video memory. However I am still having connection issues. I've tried many things to fix these issues online such as seeing if there is a firmware update for my router, I've even port fowarded all the correct ports, I have no AV running and the firewall is not blocking arma3.exe.

Essentially the very first time I enter the game from steam it works fine to load into a server, but if the server restarts or I want to join another server, I have to close steam and reopen everything to get into a server. Either that or try 10-15 times before it works.

As far as the mdmp files go, I do not see any in the folder. Only RPT, even the bidmp file seems to have disappeared, I assume because it overwrites older logs with new ones.

Iceman added a comment.Jan 8 2015, 9:57 AM

The logs are not overwritten (each of them has its own timestamp). Have your tried running Steam as an administrator? There is also known problem with Steamworks right now (bottlenecking internet connection), does you connection drop off when you switch servers?

hEEby added a comment.Jan 9 2015, 6:43 AM

I have steam automatically running as admin so that wouldn't be the issue. With the connection issue it seems to only happen after the first server I join after opening the game. Just last night the game kicked me for "Battleye not responding". As I was trying to find the server again in the server list, I could not find it. On top of that, my brother was playing Diablo 3 on a computer in another room which is using the same router through ethernet and his game was losing connection while I was in the server browser, consistantly kicking him out of the game.

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:57 PM