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Game keeps lagging and suddenly crashes
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I'm able to play the game generally, but after ~10 minutes the game freezes for a undefined time i guess it's mostly around 3 minutes. After the that the game mostly continues normally but today i kept lagging and then the game crashed, but it's the first time i could create a dump file succesfully so i hope u can help me in this case.

System is pretty new about 2 weeks now but i had the issue already on my old system.

Here the link to my files:


Legacy ID
Game Freezes

Event Timeline

TheDawg edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 13 2014, 2:19 AM
TheDawg edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
TheDawg set Category to Game Freezes.
TheDawg set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
TheDawg set Severity to None.
TheDawg set Resolution to Open.
TheDawg set Legacy ID to 2491188616.May 7 2016, 7:59 PM

thank you for reporting the problem. You are using couple of starting parameters. Could you please try to remove them? If the game crashes, please upload new crashdumps without the parameters.

TheDawg added a subscriber: TheDawg.May 7 2016, 7:59 PM

I played today for over an hour but i couldn't reproduce a crash, but anyway, my game did not crash every time. The main problem is still a big freeze for an undefined time in the first 5 minutes of playing.
Maybe the Category should be changed to game freeze.
I got 2 .rpt files and i guess it's visible that the game doesn't do anything for over a minute in one file (i only checked one) but i don't know if i read it correctly.
Anyway, hope you can do something with those two files otherwise just say it and i try to get the files you need.
I guess it could be something with my router as well because i bought a new PC 2 weeks ago and it still happens.
Sorry for the long text.

Files added in the same dropbox folder, link in issue description.

I updated the category Fyi.

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:58 PM