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Chat fails to show up in servers
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Ive lost my ability ingame to view the chat, i can still select channels and type out messages but after i hit enter i cant see any messages in the log.
I have done pretty much everything i can think of to resolve, removed all mods, verified game cash repeatedly, complete fresh reinstall about 4 times now,and even took the liberty to comb through the bug tracker post to find something simular. I i did find a post that talked about hitting "esc" twice disabling chat it did nothing for me and still no chat i tested double hitting the esc key on a internet server and a local hosted server and both failed to return chat. The GUI layout settings shot chat is there and has not been changed from the arma 3 default of being in the bottom left corner.


Legacy ID
Menu UI
Additional Information

Through steam game properties it claims
Current content BuildID 462666

Arma 3 build
(as found in bottom right hand side of ingame main menu)

Event Timeline

kaia edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 9 2014, 9:41 AM
kaia edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
kaia set Category to Menu UI.
kaia set Reproducibility to Always.
kaia set Severity to None.
kaia set Resolution to Open.
kaia set Legacy ID to 3535277704.May 7 2016, 7:57 PM
Iceman added a comment.Dec 9 2014, 9:44 AM

are you sure that chat is not disabled in the mission? You can try to host a LAN game on your own and see if the chat works for you or not. Also, it is essential you turned off all mods (if you're using them).
Let me know, thank you very much.

kaia added a subscriber: kaia.May 7 2016, 7:57 PM
kaia added a comment.Dec 9 2014, 10:55 AM

all mods have been disabled and deleted, its a completely clean reinstall and i have tried local host and same problem. the multiplayer server does not have it disabled the people ive been playing with can see the chat and i can't. ive actually went so far as to have my co pilot to relay any and all messages for me

kaia added a comment.Dec 9 2014, 4:07 PM

new development, i get partial chat now after the server i was on crashed and took out my arma 3 client with it. i can see the joining and disconnecting msgs thats it. though it took arma 3 about 20 mins to realize that multiplayer servers exist through constant refreshes and a restart or 2

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 4:00 PM