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no surrender key or un surrender
Closed, ResolvedPublic


no surrender and de surrender key for players but only for bots and they can not desurrender at all, only in zeus mode you can make players surrender and if you want to de surrender you need to put them in a vehicle and take them out while for bots you can do it while players you cant edit them.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce

try to surrender.
press 6 and make bots surrender they cant be back.

Additional Information

surrendered people should be able to walk and when they surrender anyone can access their inventory

Event Timeline

omar_uav edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Oct 14 2014, 8:42 PM
omar_uav edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
omar_uav set Category to Controls.
omar_uav set Reproducibility to N/A.
omar_uav set Severity to None.
omar_uav set Resolution to No Bug.
omar_uav set Legacy ID to 4001007007.May 7 2016, 7:36 PM

Hi, there is no such surrender system in the vanilla game. If you are playing the modded game with surrender system, then please report this issue to the author of given mod. We can't fix user-made mods. Thank you

Closing, no vanilla game bug.