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I get these weird little rainbow pixles on the soldiers around me as well as my soldier.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


All I have to do is play the game and look at my feet and I notice little rainbow colored pixels distorting the images that I am looking at. {F24963}


Legacy ID
Not A Bug
Additional Information

I just want to know if it's my CPU or GPU causing this or if other people have experienced this issue as well.

Event Timeline

LionHeart edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
LionHeart set Category to Performance.
LionHeart set Reproducibility to Always.
LionHeart set Severity to None.
LionHeart set Resolution to Not A Bug.
LionHeart set Legacy ID to 1363380012.May 7 2016, 7:36 PM
Koala added a subscriber: Koala.May 7 2016, 7:36 PM

I don't have those pixels on my shoes. Everything is fine. Try to validate all files with Steam and defrag your game-hdd.

Maybe that will fix it.

I will give that a shot Koala, thank you :)

thank you that worked I really appreciate it!

The developers recommend, to do these steps after every update. Glad I could helped.

Mass-closing all resolved issues not updated in the last month.

Please PM me in BI Forums ( if you feel your bug was closed in error.