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No Way to Make Grouped AI Run
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At present, there's no way to make groups of AI run. If you need a group of AI to run across open ground and assault a position, they will stop running in open ground and do all sorts of crazy stuff. The 'Careless' behaviour mode would be great for this - but now grouped units won't run in 'Careless' mode. Either there needs to be a new behaviour mode, that will allow units to run, fire, and attack without stopping, or the 'Careless' mode needs to allow grouped units to run. Incidentally, it is now impossible to make units run away and flee, without returning fire. We need something that will enable groups of AI to run from point A to B - I'm not saying they need to run without any consideration, but to be constantly moving forwards, firing on the trot, would be great! I hope that makes some sense! :p


Legacy ID
AI Issues

Event Timeline

Bohemia edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 20 2014, 9:17 PM
Bohemia edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bohemia set Category to AI Issues.
Bohemia set Reproducibility to Always.
Bohemia set Severity to None.
Bohemia set Resolution to Open.
Bohemia set Legacy ID to 136362730.May 7 2016, 7:28 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.

Amen to that.

Also agree, upvoted.

To be honest - I think being able to run in grouped 'Careless' mode would really sort it out.

Shields added a subscriber: Shields.May 7 2016, 7:28 PM

+1, as soon as the AI spots an enemy they got turtle mode.

AI went crazy. He not only is able to run at the specified point!
Durig battle, If I use big squad from a large number of soldiers.

  1. you give the command "Forward", but the AI stops and does not go forward!
  1. If you go forward, your AI stays behind.
  1. When you use the command "Return to Formation" AI not comes back!

Still not been addressed? As the Author put, allowing sprinting in careless mode would fix this problem, anyone know of workarounds though?

Before, I proposed a solution, if BIS add a special, new waypoint type.
Users, please look here:

Unfortunately today (v1.46) in ArmA3 does not exist type of movement in which the AI will not be stuck up in the battle and will not stop before the target point. Required a special type of movement of AI, in which all bots, will move to the specified point with the highest priority!

I propose to add a new type waypoint, which will be called "BREAKTHROUGH" or "MOVEMENT WITH FIGHT".
In this case, the AI will have to trying to reach the set point as quickly as possible. During such movement, the AI may also be able to fire in the enemy.

stcrowe added a subscriber: stcrowe.May 7 2016, 7:28 PM

The only way to get anything close to Movement Under Fire or Movement At All Costs is to put the group in CARELESS and forceSpeed each unit in the group every 1.5 seconds.

However, event he above method is not without it's issues:

We really need a native way to do this.

Agreed +1 to that...there must be a "rambo" mode

As part of my scripting to create a new mission ("Last Stand: Kavala", soon to be released on the workshop, shameless plug...) I modified the AI as follows to force them to go into "Rambo mode" (albeit with some stupid moments):

{if (side _x isEqualTo EAST) then

{   _x doMove getpos Attack;
    _x setspeedmode "FULL";
    _x setbehaviour "SAFE";
    _x setskill ["spotDistance",0.1];
    _x setskill ["spotTime",0.1];
    _x setskill ["courage",1];
    _x setskill ["commanding",0.1];
    _x setskill ["general",0.1];

_x allowFleeing 0;


} forEach allUnits;

I'm desperate for a waypoint of this sort. I acknowledge that it's not entirely realistic, but in multiplayer missions, sometimes the AI come under fire from multiple directions and simply become bogged down trying to figure out where fire is coming from and how to move in reaction to that fire. In those cases, I really need to get them to stand up, move somewhere else, and then return to normal combat activity. Firing on the go would be a "nice to have" but I don't consider it necessary.

You could call the waypoint "CHARGE" or something like that, where they run at full speed from their current position to the new waypoint, irrespective of what's happening around them.