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Game crashes when i try to join a server
Closed, ResolvedPublic


My game crashed randomly when i was playing on a server.
After that i have experienced 10 crashes when i try to join the server again.

There are 2 loading bars on the loading screen. The one in the top and the one on the box in the middle.

The top bar goes across about half way, then a sec or two passes and the game crashes to desktop.

The file is the dump files from the last try i made to join the server.

Hope there is a fix.



Legacy ID
Not Fixable
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Launch arma 3
Find server
Join server
Select "class" and press continue
Game loads

Additional Information

I have tried deleting dll files,
I have tried deleting pbos at the appdata
I tried verifying my installation.

Event Timeline

Paradoxi edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 7 2014, 8:04 PM
Paradoxi edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Paradoxi set Category to Game Crash.
Paradoxi set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Paradoxi set Severity to None.
Paradoxi set Resolution to Not Fixable.
Paradoxi set Legacy ID to 3817809050.May 7 2016, 7:11 PM
Iceman added a comment.Aug 8 2014, 9:12 AM

hello, could you please attach as many dumps as possible? Please, use some file sharing website if the package is bigger thank 5000 KB.
Thank you

Iceman added a comment.Aug 8 2014, 9:56 AM


thank you for your report and files. It seems that your problem is that DirectX crashes. This may be from various reasons, such as outdated DirectX, outdated drivers, overclocked CPU or GPU [by manufacturer or user] and many more.

Sadly, there is nothing that can be done from our site. I linked this problem to bug number #0000579, where you can read useful tips in comments. Also, please check out the forums page for another useful tips:

Sorry for the inconvenience, have a nice day.

Mass-closing all resolved issues not updated in the last month.

Please PM me in BI Forums ( if you feel your bug was closed in error.