There is a command to set arrays (<array> set [<index>,<value>]), not to unset.
For now, it's possible to remove an element (specifically a nested array) from an array with this "tricky magic" process:
- Find the index of the element to remove with 'find' command (mostly used with loop functions)
- Turn the element into a unique string as : <array> set [<index>,"myStringToRemove"]
- Subtract the string from array : <array> - ["myStringToRemove"]
It's a very labored process and it certainly uses more resources than necessary.
The request concerns steps 2 and 3 which are to be optimized.
Would it be possible to introduce a new command to simply remove an element from an array, passing its index and regardless its type?
It could be : <array> unset <index>
This command would be great :)