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Arma crashes, causing PC to freeze in multiplayer.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Whenever i play multiplayer, the game crashes after about 10 minutes or so. In Battle Royale the game always crashed when the flight animation started, but now it crashes earlier into the game. The crash causes my PC to freeze, and i have to turn it of, every time. No error msg or nothing.

All drivers are up to date. I am sure that i am running the game with my Nvidia driver. Although i cannot ultilize the game via Nvidia experience/controlpanel. It states that i have to do it in the game first, or restart the game, wich i have tried several times without luck. {F24362} {F24363}


Legacy ID
No Bug
Have Not Tried
Game Freezes

Event Timeline

Bapan edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 17 2014, 1:50 PM
Bapan edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bapan set Category to Game Freezes.
Bapan set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
Bapan set Severity to None.
Bapan set Resolution to No Bug.
Bapan set Legacy ID to 2857035209.May 7 2016, 7:01 PM

Are these crashes happening without any mods installed?

Bapan added a subscriber: Bapan.May 7 2016, 7:01 PM
Bapan added a comment.Jul 17 2014, 1:57 PM

I have installed one single mod, Battle Royale.

Are these crashes happening without Battle Royale installed?

Bapan added a comment.Jul 17 2014, 2:47 PM

In campaign the game works just fine. I haven't played that much yet, but it worked fine in multiplayer before i installed the Batlle Royale. What du you suggest? I really want to play the mod :)

We are currently investigating the Battle Royale crashes from the engine side. There is sadly nothing that can be done and is not being done right now.
Sorry for inconveniences.

Bapan added a comment.Jul 17 2014, 2:54 PM

I have tried to open the game several times now. For some reason i cant even enter the game. It freezes at once when i try starting up the game..

Does it happen with disabled Battle Royale as well?

Bapan added a comment.Jul 17 2014, 2:59 PM

I deleted the Battle Royale folder, i can now open the game. Any suggestions on how i can make the game work with the mod?

Bapan added a comment.Jul 17 2014, 3:02 PM

For the love of god! Tried entering a random other game, it froze again.

Restart your computer and then verify the game data through Steam.

Bapan added a comment.Jul 17 2014, 3:18 PM

That seems to have fixed the problem, sir :) I am currently in a battle royale game, i will give feedback as soon as the game is started!

Bapan added a comment.Jul 17 2014, 3:21 PM

Yeah, it crashed again..

Mass-closing all resolved issues not updated in the last month.

Please PM me in BI Forums ( if you feel your bug was closed in error.