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HeadLimits gets not reset when disconnecting from UAV while in temporary freelook mode
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


While in UAV freelook mode (Alt-Key while being Driver/Gunner) and then disconnecting from UAV using the action menu, the HeadLimits do not get reset. They will be reset once you release Freelook-Key. {F23787}


Legacy ID
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
Steps To Reproduce

Connect to a UAV that allows freelook in ViewPilot or has turret.
Bend your soldier up/down
Take UAV controls/turret controls.
Look into a certain direction(HPB).
Disconnect from UAV while still holding down the Alt-Key.
Experience weird incorrect head angles (tilting, gimbaling).

Additional Information

This is a very, very minor issue, though it still is an issue.
As reproducing the issue, it came out, that the strength of the effect is varying. Couldn't reproduce consistent behaviour.
However, the example video provided shows a slight tilting. I recently experienced this effect much stronger. Will upload another video if I am able to reproduce the issue with maximum effect.

edit#2: It turned out that the view angle after releasing UAV controls is strongly related to the initial view angle of the player. See 2nd video attached. If one starts walking, angles will be reset (not fully on releasing Alt-Key).

edit#3: Attached mission & another video.

ViewPilot Settings in config.cpp:

		class ViewPilot : ViewPilot 
			initFov = 1.1;
			minFov = 0.6;
			maxFov = 1.7;
			minAngleX = -75;
			maxAngleX = 15;
			minAngleY = -140;
			maxAngleY = 140;

Video with clearly visible effect:
Video with darter:

Event Timeline

mp5gosu edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 25 2014, 6:36 PM
mp5gosu edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
mp5gosu set Category to UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle).
mp5gosu set Reproducibility to Always.
mp5gosu set Severity to None.
mp5gosu set Resolution to Open.
mp5gosu set Legacy ID to 3865511599.May 7 2016, 6:29 PM
mp5gosu edited a custom field.
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Apr 25 2014, 6:36 PM


could you please upload a short video displaying the problem? It would help us a lot.

Thank you very much.

mp5gosu added a subscriber: mp5gosu.May 7 2016, 6:29 PM

Video added & additional information updated.

Additional video attached with effect clearly visible.

Thank you for the video. The rpoblem is from it, however, I am not able to reproduce it. Would it be possible to upload a simple repro mission and provide extact repro steps? It would help us a lot.

Thank you very much.

Updated Steps to reproduce should be a bit more clear now, hopefully. :)
Another video with the darter added.

Thank you for the repro mission/video/steps, I was able to reproduce it. Our team will look into it.

Have a nice day.

Actually, this not limited to UAVs. I was able to reproduce this with a helicopter.