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Missing Action Menu entry "Lights On/Off" when using UAV with reflectors
Assigned, WishlistPublic


When creating an addon based on vehicle class and setting isUAV=1, the Action menu entry "Lights On/Off" is missing. However, it is still possible to activate reflectors by using the corresponding inputAction "Headlights" (or by pressing the default Hotkey "L"). The action menu then shows "Lights off".

It seems that this does not affect vehicles based on LandVehicle class. (i.e. UGV) - the action menu entry is visible and functional.


Legacy ID
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
Steps To Reproduce

Setup an addon, inherit directly from Helicopter class, add Reflectors, make it an UAV.

Additional Information

Although I didn't do deeper testing, this might also affect other default actions (gear, collision lights, etc.).

Case applies to Stable & DEV Build.

Event Timeline

mp5gosu edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 24 2014, 6:41 PM
mp5gosu edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
mp5gosu set Category to UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle).
mp5gosu set Reproducibility to Always.
mp5gosu set Severity to None.
mp5gosu set Resolution to Open.
mp5gosu set Legacy ID to 3867197058.May 7 2016, 6:29 PM

Just an additional note:
Seems like BIS was already aware of this problem and simply disabled the action menu entries. ;)
When entering UAVs on dedicated server, switching lights on (Darter, for example), light starts flickering like a stroboscope... May be an issue with AI again.

Just a quick heads-up: With a recent update (124294) the action menu entry (Lights on) for UGV is also gone. But "Lights Off" is still available when turning on lights via keyboard or command.