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Powerfull Pc with really low Fps
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no matter what graphics is it goes to 20 max. I just bought the game

i have tried using this too -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=8 -high -maxMem=6144 -noPause -noSplash -world=empty

All my games are Great except the arma series. {F23762} {F23763} {F23764} {F23765} {F23766} {F23767}


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aymanh edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 21 2014, 11:37 PM
aymanh edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
aymanh set Category to Performance.
aymanh set Reproducibility to Always.
aymanh set Severity to None.
aymanh set Resolution to Fixed.
aymanh set Legacy ID to 2196536198.May 7 2016, 6:28 PM
Fank added a subscriber: Fank.May 7 2016, 6:28 PM
Fank added a comment.Apr 22 2014, 1:59 AM

"no matter what graphics is it goes to 20 max." where?
Mainmenu, editor or multiplayer?

Yep sadly, even if lower the sampling to 50% i get like 25 fps so does lowering the resolution.

i have like switchable graphic cards, i have tried switching it to high performance nothing changes.

Fank added a comment.Apr 22 2014, 3:01 AM

i run on a 5760x1080 resolution with 2x NVIDIA GTX760 in SLI with about 70FPS, so please answer my question to reproduce it.

i think it's to do with graphic card,i have intel weak graphic card and AMD radeon graphics. i just bought laptop brand new.

all games work fine.

yeah on all game modes, main menu also

i uploaded image, windows mode with sea main menu. anti virus is off.

Fank added a comment.Apr 22 2014, 3:16 AM

if you run these in editor preview now many FPS does it say? without using the action just the FPS in the chatlog

arma 3 takes only 23 percent of cpu

done, i uploaded image

be sure to check some things such as display aspect ratio. when I upgraded from a 720p monitor to a 1080p one, I lost a ridiculous amount of fps (10-20). I thought perhaps my computer just couldn't handle a 1080p render, turns out my aspect ratio wasn't quite correct (the calibration images were just a tad out of alignment). I fixed it, and instantly gained back said lost fps. Worth a shot. I typically get 28-38 fps, which isn't so bad, considering I run most settings on high or very high, and usually set my render distance to 9000+ (I'm a pilot).
@Fank, :O what are your system specs? that's amazing. what view distance do you run at?

i don't play windows mode. just did windows mode so i can screenshot

no it is not windowed mode related, it has to do with the render resolution. Just check the calibration square/circle picture to make sure you can't see the black background behind it.

there no black background.

so how can fix this?

have you tried the good old autodetect settings? it might set everything to "standard" but at least see if that fixes your fps

i tried everything, every setting, google a lot fixes nothing worked.

autodetect leaves me to low. i think game is using my weak graphic card that is leads to power save.

look image just uploaded 2 graphic cards. one for power save and other one for gaming.

somehow my fps went 50, it got fixed.

i can ultra now with high fps. Thanks for solving my problem!

could you update the ticket (maybe in the additional info section) with more information about how you fixed the problem? That way, it will be easier for people to try themselves if they have a similar problem.


could you please describe shortly where the problem was and tell us how it got fixed? It would help us a lot for future problems,

thank you!

i don't really know how it got fixed, i was monitor task manager, used just take little cpu, now good took amount of cpu.

here we go again, i got fps problem once again. i uploaded image.

ill try everything i have tried before

I think i found fix, Alt+enter then leave window mode for few seconds then go back to full screen, it fixs the fps problem.

cuz i rarely use game in window mode, when i window moded and went to full screen, it fix problem somehow.

GPU virus, that can't be detected by anti virus nor taskmananger.

it huggs the GPU 99%.

delete virus usually bitcoin miners.

Ornsi added a subscriber: Ornsi.May 7 2016, 6:28 PM
Ornsi added a comment.Apr 30 2014, 8:23 PM

looks like arma is using your integrated graphics card.
thre should be some way in the driver options to "tell" your pc to use the dedicated graphics card for arma.
and if there isnt you can try disabling the integrated graphics card in the device manager.

i found problem and solved it was hidden marlwe viruse hugging the gpu. without anything noticing