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Debug Console Offers No Line History
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Within the Editor, I find myself having to constantly and repeatedly clicking to get into the Debug Console (ESC) in order to re-execute commands.

If one has ever used a command line terminal, simple previously executed commands (such as 'skipTime 1' and 'setDate [2014,04,01,22,00]') can be easily recalled or re-executed by using the cursor keys or CTRL-R. (ie. UNIX/LINUX Bash Command Line)


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Currently using the game's Editor:

  1. Press 'ESC' Key
  1. Enter command to execute
  1. Click 'OK'
  1. Press 'ESC' Key to re-execute
  1. Click 'OK'
Additional Information

What should happen:

  1. Type CTRL-D or similar key sequence to get a command line console.
  1. Type 'Cursor Up' key or 'CTRL-R' for a history recall similar to Bash command line console.
  1. Type 'ENTER' or 'RETURN' to re-execute the command.

Notice how much simpler and easier this sequence is during debugging?

(This also brings to memory, the in-game VON console also lacks any line history!)

Event Timeline

rogerx edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 2 2014, 8:42 AM
rogerx edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
rogerx set Category to Editor.
rogerx set Reproducibility to Always.
rogerx set Severity to None.
rogerx set Resolution to Open.
rogerx set Legacy ID to 3352866397.May 7 2016, 6:04 PM
dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 18 2020, 11:06 AM
dedmen claimed this task.
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.

You can use CBA, we won't add this.