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Ambient animals issues since dev build 1.11.115186
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Dev build 1.11.115186 has introduced new refinements to ambient animal behaviour. However I have noticed a couple of issues

1 - Grazing animals (goats/sheep) no longer graze, but constantly run around.

2 - The following error is regularly thrown:

Error in expression <ersNew = _membersNew + [_x]};
} forEach _members;
_leader setVariable ["members">

Error position: <_members;

_leader setVariable ["members">

Error Undefined variable in expression: _members

File A3\functions_f\ambient\fn_animalBehaviour.sqf, line 308


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Place animals down in editor Modules - > sites - > animals - > goats/sheep

Or spawn them via script eg: _animal = createAgent ["Goat_random_F",spawnposition , [], 0, "NONE"];

Additional Information

I know this is a minor issue in the scheme of things, but the changes to ambient animals pretty much render them useless as "eye candy" since they no longer graze placidly but constantly run around aimlessly.

Event Timeline

tpw edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 12 2014, 1:31 AM
tpw edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
tpw set Category to Other.
tpw set Reproducibility to Always.
tpw set Severity to None.
tpw set Resolution to Fixed.
tpw set Legacy ID to 3683420569.May 7 2016, 5:56 PM

This script error should be fixed already. Could you please try it one more time and let me know if you are still able to reproduce it? Thanks

tpw added a subscriber: tpw.May 7 2016, 5:56 PM
tpw added a comment.Feb 14 2014, 2:43 PM

With build 115366 the File A3\functions_f\ambient\fn_animalBehaviour.sqf, line 308 error is gone, but I'm getting this one instead:

Error in expression <_road) && (_i < 5)} do {
_movePos = [(_expect select 0) - 10 + (random 20),(_e>

Error position: <_expect select 0) - 10 + (random 20),(_e>
Error Undefined variable in expression: _expect

File A3\functions_f\ambient\fn_animalBehaviour.sqf, line 117

Should be fixed in current dev branch version. Could you please check it one more time? Thanks

tpw added a comment.Mar 5 2014, 11:56 AM

Yep, fixed. Sorry for the late reply

Mass-close of resolved tickets not updated in last two weeks.