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Extend area where Detail Map+Surface Textures Blend together (at a specific level of best effect - 50%?)
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  • This is Not a request to extend the maximum distance (1000m) scripts can set via setDetailMapBlendPars --

The objective of this request is to extent the Area where the most visualy appealing blend of both Surface Textures and Detail Map occurs. Skip to GALLERY 2 for a synthesis (it is helpful to have either image 5 or 7 in sight while reading the following)

setDetailMapBlendPars allows scripts to dynamicaly change the limits where blend transition occurs, namely fullDetail (1st parameter) up to noDetail (2nd parameter)

Experiments* reveal that most visually appealing effects occur, not where these textures (Surface >< Detail) are at 100% each, but where they blend into each other, ie. at 50%. View examples GALLERY 1 linked bellow, area of interest in images is tentatively at the middle of the screen/vision (ignore 3rd image of each set "C" which modifies satellite texture and is another discussion):


This request aims at showing how it could be worthy to maximize the distance where the best blend is achieved. For example (less real world but just to illustrate the point):

setDetailMapBlendPars [200,400] results in having a very visually appealing blend at the distance of 300 meters. The transition appears to progress linearly with distance between set limits. The proposed implementation is to change this transition linearity profile to the following:

  0 to 200 meters - fullDetail (no change, or alternatively, even considering the adoption of some blending at this level)

200 to 220 meters - 1st half of transition starts here
220 to 380 meters - "half" Detail blend is constant, aiming to maximize this distance (same appearence as at 300 meters in current engine implementation but spanning 160 meters)
380 to 400 meters - 2nd half of the transition resumes

400 to INF meters - noDetail (no change)

  • actual transition distances (in this example, spaning 20 meters can be set according to requirements, still favouring smooth and sufficiently wide transition distances)

GALLERY 2 ( attempts at explain visually the objective of this request.

Images from 1 to 3 - is an attempt at sinthetically reproduce the engine blend modes for the different distances and blend limits

Images from 4 to 6 - attempt at showing the proposed transition profiles

Image 7 shows how a custom Detail Map texture allow for even better results at breaking patterning, surface type transitions, even increasing higher "concurrency" with surface textures (ie. increasing blend percentage without obliterating the surface texture higher res detail)

Splendid Camera position used (use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V):

Make sure to set Object Visibility down to 500 meters, keeping Overall confortably above that. {F22652} {F22653}


Legacy ID
Feature Request
Additional Information

Additional VIDEO examples which informed this request here ( - long duration, showing closer ranges - and here ( - shorter, as seen from helicopter.

SCRIPT to obtain the effect attached, check also discussion on it ( *updated* (see attached)

The script full effect unlocks by using a less pattern prone texture available in the thread. But using a GAM_kSlope = 1.67 instead of default value (1) may help showing the effect without the need to install this custom texture.

Close range texture (must be packed with all remaining surface textures) -

Mid range textures (*_A2 is the one used for in-game renders) - see attached zip


It is observable that a saturation/brightness issues arises using proposed the blend modes (basic overlay - choosen since it mantains the color space in RGB avoiding conversions and performance costs), differences to in-game may be due to the engine using a more sophisticated blend mode which is more neutral to color changes and additionaly in-engine post-process effects.

To address this consideration either adopting the proposal but using the actual engine blend modes, this way just changing the Blend Transition curve profile. Or, alternatively, address it after the fact and progressively desaturate+lighten final surface render.

Event Timeline

gammadust edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
gammadust set Category to Feature Request.
gammadust set Reproducibility to N/A.
gammadust set Severity to None.
gammadust set Resolution to Open.
gammadust set Legacy ID to 3269524916.May 7 2016, 5:17 PM
FrankHH added a subscriber: FrankHH.May 7 2016, 5:17 PM

Excellent report, we should also say that this does not affect performance, for those worried about that.

200% up for it! Just look at screens posted by VanZant at BIforums, no need to say anything, the images speak for themselves

Curious mind of IanBanks posted 2 relevant threads concerning this ticket for 2 reasons:

  1. Visual impact of actual texture blending the engine implements:

Figuring out the blending between satmaps and ground _co's and where things go wrong


  1. Engine's limitation in regard to modding surface textures of a given island

Surface _mco textures aren't actually used by ARMA 2, only the middle ground _mco is

  1. disproves my wrong assumption of the blend mode being overlay, being multiply instead. Actual values are presented experimentaly. In any case the main point stands the same: Extending the area where the resulting blend is more effective instead of a simple linear transition.
  1. informs my suspicion that one cannot easily mod surface textures without incurring in ill advised methods or without mp deployment consequences.