It seems that almost all of the new config effects variables in explosionEffects have no effect on particles.
I have tested all the velocity vector variables and they seem to be returning 0 and the particles are imparted with no velocity.
It seems that almost all of the new config effects variables in explosionEffects have no effect on particles.
I have tested all the velocity vector variables and they seem to be returning 0 and the particles are imparted with no velocity.
Configure any explosion effect to use the variables listed (specifically the velocity vector ones) here:
Example: moveVelocity[] = {"inDirX*10","inDirZ*10","inDirY*10"};
Explosions will have no velocity imparted by the values of these variables.
I have tried this on spawned ammo, fired ammo, airbursts, ground bursts, etc and not seen the effect.
Should be fixed in current dev version. Could you please check it and let me know? Thanks
Yep, seems to be working, thanks DarkDruid! I think the documentation needs to be changed some now. It seems that inDirX is just a vector, in the documentation on the biki for it it says the speed vector. To get that you need to just multiply by inSpeed.
Also, I might make this a separate ticket but to make really nice explosions we really need a vector rotation function that can be used in these configs so particles can be imparted a velocity perpendicular to the direction of the projectile (which is where a majority of the energy goes in artillery shells, aircraft bombs, or any other warhead that is a cylinder in configuration).
Check out these following videos to see what I mean: <-- you can clearly see in this one that there is a smoke ring that forms perpendicular to the direction of the round, and there is a small column of smoke that travels in the velocity vector.
I don't think this is possible right now unless its on a fixed vector, which doesn't really cover many situations unless the round is coming straight down.
You are right, documentation fixed. Yes, please create a new ticket for that vector rotation function. It is more complicated than this fix and engine programmers are very busy right now. It will take some time probably.
Thank you for feedback and help!