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Sector Module Issues
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It has come to my attention that the Sector Modules are broken, and in more ways than one.

Primarily, (and this is at random), bases will not capture, only be held as long as allied troops are present in the area. I have a hypothesis that this is only when the Expression line is filled. This is just a hypothesis, however, I was creating a mission for someone, 5 sector, and all worked perfect, right until I added a custom expression which involved manipulating the arguments listed (module, owner, and previousowner I believe).

Stuff like running xyz.sqf would be fine, but after using these arguments, an invisible box appeared upon a point being captured, that would otherwise be filled with the location and side of a sector being captured (and by whom).

Not only this, but it was around this time that sectors could also not be permanently held so to speak, although again I am unsure of this. {F21048} {F21049} {F21050}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Place Sector module syncronized to BLUFOR and OPFOR game logic, also place an Area game logic which is synced to a trigger. The trigger was left as-is but has also been tested on Anyone-Present. Size of trigger was 50A 50B. Sector module was left untouched aside from naming it ST and designating it point A.

Place a BLUFOR or OPFOR player, standard rifleman. Position just outside the sector capture zone.

While ingame, advance towards so you begin to capture the sector. You should at this point, once captured the base, notice that your box displays text perfectly fine, all appears well, and you have held the zone (you can retreat out the zone to check if you have permanently).

Now, exit out back to editor and in the Expression field insert the following:

player setvariable ["sector",_this,true]

Upon entering again, you should see the captured box now broken and the points not being held properly.

Additional Information

I listed this as random reproducibility simply for the fact I cannot verify for sure at what stage the module is broken. However, I can ascertain the following:

  1. The sectors are not held when there are no allied troops present
  2. The "Sector Captured" boxes do not display correctly, only the background (no text) shows
  3. I did once get a Generic Error in Expression on line 26 on a related BIS function sqf, however I cannot reproduce this nor remember which exact one it was.

Event Timeline

Comp_uter15776 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Comp_uter15776 set Category to Editor.
Comp_uter15776 set Reproducibility to Random.
Comp_uter15776 set Severity to None.
Comp_uter15776 set Resolution to Fixed.
Comp_uter15776 set Legacy ID to 1417130619.May 7 2016, 3:39 PM
F2kSel added a subscriber: F2kSel.May 7 2016, 3:39 PM

I think it was working fine when first released, now it's blank.

Yeah I mean it could just be that in an update it's now borked, but either way something isn't right with it XD

Noted: Issue(s) still prevalent in Stable.

Please view the new screenshot. This time I managed to obtain the elusive error! My expression line this time only called '_null = [] execVM "test.sqf"', which in turn fired a hint saying "HELLO".

  1. The sectors are not held when there are no allied troops present


  1. The "Sector Captured" boxes do not display correctly, only the background (no text) shows

Caused by issue in task notifications, fixed.

  1. I did once get a Generic Error in Expression on line 26 on a related BIS function sqf, however I cannot reproduce this nor remember which exact one it was.

Should be fixed as well

Mass closing resolved tickets from last month.