I used the rescuePOWS.sqf which you can easily find on Internet.
the rescuePows.sqf contains, between other, the following line:
{[_x] joinSilent _ldr} forEach _grp;
I wanted to rescue an heli pilot but it seems that doesn't work.
So I created both a civilian named civil and a pilot named pilot, initialized in the same way.
this addAction ["Rescue POWs","rescuePows.sqf",[POWS],1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3"];
My player contains the following init:
POWS = [pilot,civil]
When I perform the addAction on the pilot, the script is correctly called but the joinSilent doesn't do anything.
When I perform the addAction on the civilian, both civilian and pilot are included in my group.
Any idea? {F20548}