Due most of surfaces in Arma is concrete surface without any natural obstacles on it's need to reduce off-road ability for wheeled vehicles. It's very unrealistic when wheeled vehs travels across hilly, mountain or sand landscape with such high speed and ease. Also wheeled trasport isn't able to climb on slopes like we see in Arma series. It should slip down.
I think it's need to hard reduce ability of wheeled vehicles when offroad, and angles of climbing. Wheeled military vehicles uses for fast personal transportation to frontline, especially by roads and light offroad like plains. So it should be hard to use on true offroad like hills, mountains and should be fine only on roads and mostly flat surfaces.
Offroad is too hard for wheeled vehicles(see videos) even on dirt tracks, especially on rought surfaces like hills and mountain side! It's know all who use military units. So it's very unrealistic and arcade in Arma when wheeled go on full speed throught hilly terrain.
Should be something in Arma to convert current ultimate offroad vehicles to realistic.
!!! Military documentation: The Army TWV Strategy
quote, page 23:
Tactical Wheeled Vehicle (TWV) – Multipurpose or special purpose military wheeled platforms which transport personnel and all classes of supply, to include equipment and dry or liquid cargo. They perform general or specific missions, and support all warfighting functions (Movement and Maneuver, Intelligence, Fires, Sustainment, Command and Control, and Protection). They are specially designed vehicles, or commercial vehicles modified to meet certain military requirements, and are capable of safely operating on primary and secondary roads at highway speeds. They are capable of operating off-road; the degree of off-road mobility varies.
!!"...and are capable of safely operating on primary and secondary roads at highway speeds. They capable of operating off-road; the degree of off-road mobility varies"!!!! is it ultimate off-road ability?!
See also QUICKSAND ADDON for Arma 2:
Military wheeled vehicles while offroad: