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Tool Tips are activated for all aspects of the Editor
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I would like to see that all aspects of the editor have a tool tip or description on what it does. Expecially with insert module as there are components of the insert module which there is no details on what they do. For example Misc/camp, misc\Blufor, Misc\outpost. It would be nice to be able to have a description on what they do. Or at least have the developers coder put on BIS Wiki/Biki what they do, as there are no description what so ever on what they do ingame which makes editing missions or creating a mission I little more confusion.

Maybe BIS could produce an ebook on Editing and scripting for Arma 3, and offer it through the store at a price, maybe $50 - $100, as I would like to understand properly how components work ingame as to improve my mission designs.


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Feature Request

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thdman1511 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
thdman1511 set Category to Feature Request.
thdman1511 set Reproducibility to N/A.
thdman1511 set Severity to None.
thdman1511 set Resolution to Open.
thdman1511 set Legacy ID to 4233919980.May 7 2016, 2:38 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: rogerx.Jun 18 2013, 8:40 AM

More documentation for the editor = upvote

I agree, tool tips are completely missing from the editor, and surprisingly so as this is now the third version of ARMA.

I completely also agree on publishing an EBook (ie. PDF, epub, mobi, ...) versions of the scripting language.

An EBook version of the scripting language can be easily performed by converting all of the relevant Wiki pages into printable form such as PDF. And further more, many open source tools exists to further convert the data to EPUB and MOBI files as well. I think a print form costing $50 each would be excessive, as the popularity would only be focused on the young adults, and they really don't have the $50 to spend on books not generating themselves income for making a living.

Just quickly glancing at the BIS wiki pages concerning their game scripting language, and looks like some modifications will have to be made to make it into a more readable format. I really prefer reading electronic material on my black and white E-Ink (Kindle) device. Reading via CRT/LCD for long periods of time is excruciating tiresome.

All languages should be properly documented and published in HTML, PDF, EPUB, MOBI (etc) formats. I've filed Bug #10738, "Provide HTML, PDF, EPUB, MOBI Versions of ArmA Scripting Language" Cheers!

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 2:38 PM

Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.

If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.