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Players cannot join a mission hosted dedicated
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Full explenation here:****

Short version:
My mission file works when hosted on a client / in the editor. But when a dedicated server hosts it the clients whom connect stay in the loading screen forever (before even getting into the lobby).
The server does not start the mission file because the first line in the mission init.sqf (diag_log "test") is never executed (not in the rpt).

The rpt is however full with this message:

Server error: Player without identity selenj (id 968343173)


Legacy ID
Not A Bug

Event Timeline

m1nd0 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)May 20 2013, 6:39 PM
m1nd0 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
m1nd0 set Category to Multiplayer.
m1nd0 set Reproducibility to Always.
m1nd0 set Severity to None.
m1nd0 set Resolution to Not A Bug.
m1nd0 set Legacy ID to 3712790408.May 7 2016, 2:11 PM
m1nd0 added a subscriber: m1nd0.
m1nd0 added a comment.May 22 2013, 9:17 AM

Update. I did some extensive testing and things just kept getting wierder.

A friend of mine tried hosting the mission on his dedicated server. Same result. While other missions run fine aswell.
Then another persons (forums) hosted it dedicated and he got it working. I then hosted a dedicated server on my client machine (dedicatedserver.exe) and started the client on the same machine. Now it works!

So for some reason this particular mission will not run on my dedicated server in the same LAN. If you (BIS) wants to further investigate this I can provide you with a login to my server if needed.

Outdated. Open a new ticket if new issues arise.