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Standard Operation Procedures Regarding Stances for Controlled AI
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Before I discuss this issue, I am aware of the command STAY CROUCHED in the command menu. This topic will cover the need for more advanced AI stances.

When ever the player controlled AI is stationary, their primary stance should be crouch ( unless a command overrides it or their position in cover requires them to be standing). In a real combat environment, we never stand up unless we are moving because it exposes us to enemy fire. When using the bounding technique, one fire team holds their position while another advances. If you are in a moderately safe condition, the over watching fire team can stay in the couch stance. When under fire, they will be in the prone ( which Arma already has).

Only player controlled AI should be effected by this. Possible enemies that could utilize this technique are special forces.


Legacy ID
AI Control / Commanding
Steps To Reproduce

Event Timeline

Stalker1 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 28 2013, 4:14 PM
Stalker1 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Stalker1 set Category to AI Control / Commanding.
Stalker1 set Reproducibility to N/A.
Stalker1 set Severity to None.
Stalker1 set Resolution to Open.
Stalker1 set Legacy ID to 3112785932.May 7 2016, 1:54 PM

I was thinking about the same issue. Whenever I look at a map and automatically take a knee, my digital buddies just stand there happily and enjoy the beauty of Stratis.

My proposition would be a little different, in that any AI representing trained army should:

  • on Aware behaviour: always crouch when stationary (and prone when player lays down or when enemy was spotted, but this works already)
  • on Safe behaviour: stand when stationary (like they do it now)

Stealth and Combat stances are generally fine, they either run, lay down or crouch behind cover.

You never stand in a combat zone. The problem with combat and stealth behaviors is that they move slower than the player. Maybe if they just allow the players speed to override the AI's position it would be fine. The AI's #1 priority should be to stay in formation.

Yes, but how to tell the AI, if it's in the combat zone or if it's in a safety of airbase? Also on long missions, taking place on the whole island, when you have to travel on foot significant distances between objectives, it would be extremely tiring to crouch with a backpack all the time. It's up to leading player or mission designer to set the correct behaviour for the situation, and as such, standing and Safe have some uses.

In the post above I only made a comment about stances. The slow motion of AI under Stealth and Combat is another matter and can be a huge problem, when you have to actually move, for example breaking contact or assaulting position dynamically. But on other occasions, this extra care on AI's side saves their lives.

If only we could have two variants of Stealth and Combat: careful and dynamic.

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 1:54 PM

Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.

If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.