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Switching from arco optics to holosight optics leads to "out of memory" message.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Switching from arco optics to holosight optics in the inventory after zooming in with the arco optics x12 leads to an instant crash, when zooming in with the holosight afterwards and a message saying "out of memory" will be shown on the desktop. There isn't a problem, when I zoom in with the red dot sight of the arco and then switch to the holosight in the inventory and zoom in with that then.

Soldier: Explosive Specialist
Weapon: TAR-21 GL F
Optics: ARCO and Holosight


Legacy ID
Operating System
Windows 7
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Start the Editor.
  2. Place an explosive specialist on the map.
  3. Change its weapon to TAR-21 GL F.
  4. Add an arco optic and a holosight optic to the inventory of the character.
  5. Preview.
  6. Open the inventory.
  7. Put the arco optic to the optic slot of the TAR-21 GL F in the inventory.
  8. Close the inventory.
  9. Switch the optic from red dot to x12 zoom and zoom in and zoom out.
  10. Open the inventory and put the holosight to the slot with the arco optic.
  11. Zoom in with the holosight optic.
  12. "Out of memory"-Crash!
Additional Information

Arma 3 Alpha Dev: 0.53.103754

I indiviualized the equipment of the specialist with the initialization function of the editor. So, just in case:


removeAllWeapons pottheus; removeVest pottheus; removeBackpack pottheus; pottheus addvest "V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr"; pottheus addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo"; pottheus addWeapon "binocular"; pottheus additem "muzzle_snds_H"; pottheus additem "FirstAidKit"; pottheus additem "acc_pointer_IR"; pottheus addItem "optic_Arco"; pottheus addItem "optic_Hamr"; pottheus additem "optic_holosight"; pottheus addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag", 9]; pottheus addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag_Tracer", 3]; pottheus addWeapon "arifle_TRG21_GL_F"; pottheus addMagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 3]; pottheus addWeapon "hgun_P07_snds_F"; pottheus additem "U_B_Wetsuit"; pottheus addItem "V_RebreatherB"; pottheus addItem "G_Diving"

Data from C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha\:
Reproduction 1:

Reproduction 2:

First crash, but here it crashed already, when I put the holosight to the slot of the inventory. Couldn't reproduce that!

Event Timeline

CGMH edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 7 2013, 12:18 AM
CGMH edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
CGMH set Category to Game Crash.
CGMH set Reproducibility to Always.
CGMH set Severity to Crash.
CGMH set Resolution to Open.
CGMH set Legacy ID to 764547230.May 7 2016, 1:29 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: CGMH.Apr 7 2013, 12:18 AM
CGMH added a comment.Apr 7 2013, 12:29 AM

The soldier is a BLUE-force soldier. And it isn't a TAR-21, it's a TRG-21 GL F ^^.

Thank you for great repro steps:)

CGMH added a comment.Apr 9 2013, 6:11 PM

You are welcome! It's great to have the chance to help making this game great, because it deserves it =).

Oh! And thanks =)!

@Astaroth, not reproduceable anymore. Tocket can be closed.

Dwarden closed this task as Resolved.Dec 6 2019, 8:07 PM
Dwarden updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dwarden edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Dwarden edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Dwarden set Operating System to Windows 7.