The replacement function for the MP Framework, BIS_fnc_MP does not execute on the dedicated server.
Means as much that you cannot e.g. display a hint for ever player on server-only code. {F18606} {F18607}
The replacement function for the MP Framework, BIS_fnc_MP does not execute on the dedicated server.
Means as much that you cannot e.g. display a hint for ever player on server-only code. {F18606} {F18607}
Issue was already confirmed:
I'm afraid your script is incorrect. Variable "RE" is declared only on server, but you're trying to call it also on client where it's not present.
Following solution should work correctly:
[{hint "This text should be shown to every player on the DS!";},"BIS_fnc_spawn",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
However, I strongly recommend not to send code over network and rather store it in a script, which you would then call remotely using following expression:
["myScript.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
P.S. There's actually error message displayed, but you cannot see it by default. Go to Functions Viewer and click on "Show Errors" button in bottom right corner to have errors shown on screen.
Thanks for your time, it seems like documentation lacks severely in this regard. I might as well update the BIKI with these examples.