When inside an automobile/tank/APC, there should be some time for the player to switch seats/positions. As it is at the moment, it is instantaneous.
Also, there should be an animation showing the player switching seats/positions.
When inside an automobile/tank/APC, there should be some time for the player to switch seats/positions. As it is at the moment, it is instantaneous.
Also, there should be an animation showing the player switching seats/positions.
When in the Oshkosh M-ATV, switch from the gunner to driver seat. It is instantaneous, when it should take a few seconds at least to switch. Also, there is no animation showing the switch, he just magically appears in the driver's seat.
This is a good idea, since vehicle are already a bit OP in Wasteland missions. A single player in a vehicle is pretty much immortal, even more so if he can rapidly switch between driving the vehicle and the gunners seat.
That's a good point, Ohgren. One thing people have said that are that tank crews are almost unnecessary in ARMA, as one can just switch positions instantly. Hopefully, this will fix that. Thanks! ;-)
One thought though, completely off-topic, how do I get access to mortar fire in MP missions?
I just played Wasteland and some dude completely covered the landstrip on the airfield in mortar fire.
When the player is inside the vehicle, and this player changes its position, for example from the driver to the gunner or from gunner to the commander, then this action takes place in a split second! Unfortunately it looks too arcade and not realistic. It is impossible to change the position for one second!
If BIS adds the interval of several seconds (for example 4-5) and add the sound of soldier movement inside current vehicle, then it will be much better and more realistic.
Most armored vehicles does not have a modeled interior, but during the switch position, BIS could add a black screen, along with the sound of movement.
Such special feature would be cool and more realistic.
BIS, Please try make this feature