Game crashed 10-20 minutes into a game.
dumped exe -
rpt and others -
Game crashed 10-20 minutes into a game.
dumped exe -
rpt and others -
What did you play? Multiplayer? Singleplayer? User mission or official? We need more accurate info. Thank you.
Yeah, sorry. It was MP/user made/ on dedicated. But can't remember which server or what mission.
OK, just confirmed another crash. Second try - second crash. 2 minutes into MP/user made/dedicated. Something called domination or so...
Also, tried to play default escape from Stratis/MP, there was no crashes on that, however after 20 minutes gradually I went into very low fps rate and eventually I ended up with lost connection to the server...
Seem stable enough now, thanks. Can close the topic. I believe it is something to do with scripts and the editor. Because some of the servers do crash my ArmA from time to time, but some are running smooth for all day without a glitch.