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JIP does not work as expected
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I created 2 misisons I play on a dedicated server with other players and I noticed that some of the mission script commands do not execute when I JIP to mission. They do work when I am in the mission from the start.

For instance, I have two lines that look the same in the init.sqf file:

call compile preprocessFile "briefing\briefing.sqf";

call compile preprocessFile "init\radio_options.sqf";

After a JIP, the first line doesn't seem to execute and the second line does execute. {F18151}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Deploy the attached missions to a dedicated server (where persistent=1 so the mission continues if no player is on server). Start a mission and check that briefing/tasks are shown, then disconnect, then join back the mission (JIP) and check that briefing/tasks are not shown.

Additional Information

You can come to our dedicated server and notice the issue directly (

Event Timeline

d3nn16 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 17 2013, 2:12 AM
d3nn16 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
d3nn16 set Category to Multiplayer.
d3nn16 set Reproducibility to Always.
d3nn16 set Severity to Major.
d3nn16 set Resolution to Open.
d3nn16 set Legacy ID to 3650429386.May 7 2016, 12:46 PM

Closing due to lack of activity in over five months. If this issue is still reproducable for you, please create a new ticket for it or ask for this one to be re-opened.