Minor bug fixes for fn_locations.sqf
- fixed debug parameter
- fixed duplicate debug marker names by using town name variable
- Added sleeps to waitUntils
- Added private declarations
- removed obsolete variables
Minor bug fixes for fn_locations.sqf
It's unclear what exactly this ticket is supposed to be about.
Please make sure to read the "How to guide" before posting and create tickets that clearly describe the issue you are reporting.
The full story is, I approached Zipper593 and ZoZo (both BI staff) about fixes to A2 files ported to A3. This is one example. I said that I would go through the rest of the files on the Module Improvement Project (https://dev-heaven.net/projects/mip) at a later date, and submit additional fixes once confirmed they are still relevant.
The fixes are stated above and affect mostly debug and custom locations.