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Character runs faster with assault gear than without!
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I ran my character for 1km on the airfield and figured out roughly what speed he's going.
While wearing gear, and using standard run( not sprint) he goes 1Km in 3.30, which translates to around 10.5 mph,
Without gear (no equipment except clothing), he does the same run in 3.54 which is around 9.5 mph.

I think these running paces should probably be switched around!

Also tactical pace came in at around 7mph which is way too fast running around with your weapon at the alert.


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Liquid edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 8 2013, 3:20 AM
Liquid edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Liquid set Category to Movement.
Liquid set Reproducibility to N/A.
Liquid set Severity to Tweak.
Liquid set Resolution to Fixed.
Liquid set Legacy ID to 4052225019.May 7 2016, 11:38 AM

I think they haven't added stamina yet, we know that that's going in for sure but it's not in there yet.

Hanz added a subscriber: Hanz.May 7 2016, 11:38 AM
Hanz added a comment.May 15 2013, 12:07 PM

This issue was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.

In current version (0.59.105679) I have tested above on airfield:

Nato Rifleman:
distance: 941.23 m
time: 3:46.2
Speed: 14.9 km/h

Nato Rifleman without gear (in his init written: "removeAllweapons this; removeAllContainers this; removeAllAssignedItems this"):
distance: 941.23 m
time: 3:35.8
Speed: 15.7 km/h

This difference is considered acceptable.

Are you sure that your tests went other way around? Which testing units you used?

Liquid added a subscriber: Liquid.May 7 2016, 11:38 AM

Original test was with Blufor Rifleman 1000m, then manually remove all gear including maps, radio, binoculars etc.
I did those tests three times each and used the mean so the times weren't switched around.

Did a re-test on the current version and the times are along the same lines as what you have recorded.
Blufor Rifleman
3.57 ---> 15.18kmph --->9.4mph

Manually remove gear
3.49 ---> 15.7kmph ---> 9.75mph

Remove gear in init line
3.49 ---> 15.7kmph ---> 9.75mph

Did a re-test on the current version and the times are along the same lines as what you have recorded.
Blufor Rifleman
3.57 ---> 15.18kmph --->9.4mph

Manually remove gear
3.49 ---> 15.7kmph ---> 9.75mph

How come that the latter is sooner on finish (3.49 minutes vs. 3.57), yet he is slower? Some calculation problem?

Also: there is a difference if you let AI run and you control the character. The AI pathfinding can do all sorts of tricks & delays that screw up the measurement...

Please specify the conditions of your test.

  • were both runners controlled by a player?
  • was the running straight (=no turns)?

"How come that the latter is sooner on finish (3.49 minutes vs. 3.57), yet he is slower? Some calculation problem?"

No you're not reading the transcription correctly, those tests confirm that the character is NOW running at speeds appropriate to their equipment: "Did a re-test on the CURRENT VERSION and the times are along the SAME lines as what you have recorded."

The original issue was uploaded 2 months ago and at the time the character was running faster when wearing gear, so evidently someone has fixed the problem since then.

If you have a playable build of the old version and want to test the times out, for both instances the test was conducted along the airfield.
I placed a ka-60 in the middle of the strip to guide along, it was aligned with the white dividing lines to ensure a straight line.
Player ran the distance continuously and the map was re-loaded each test to ensure that there were no differences due to starting position, terrain or stamina loss.

Ok, sorry for the confusion. So I suppose we can close now.

It is fixed some time ago.

Mass close.