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[Feature Request] (Conflict) Allow to get supplies when disassembling all compositions that are on the base by default
Feedback, NormalPublic


Currently( you can only disassemble some buildings

Defensive Position

It would be cool if there was an opportunity to disassemble everything
For example, the roadblocks

The supplies received could be used for other things. Build radio relay, as example

It would also speed up travel on the roads


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Additional Information

Examples of bases where you can't dissasembly everything now

Meaux base

Nothing can be destroyed and rebuilt


The road block with the machine gun cannot be destroyed

Military Depot

The road block and bunker cannot be destroyed


Coastal Base Chotain



Event Timeline

PR9INICHEK created this task.EditedMon, Mar 17, 1:30 PM

Added: Compositions that don't belong to any base now spawn a crate that holds refunded supply, allowing players to collect and use it.

PR9INICHEK updated the task description. (Show Details)Mon, Mar 17, 1:31 PM
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Mon, Mar 17, 1:33 PM
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
PR9INICHEK updated the task description. (Show Details)Mon, Mar 17, 1:35 PM
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
PR9INICHEK updated the task description. (Show Details)

Relates to T189096

It might be related to T177759

PR9INICHEK renamed this task from [Feature Request] (Conflict) Allow to get supplies when dismantling all buildings that are on the base by default to [Feature Request] (Conflict) Allow to get supplies when disassembling all buildings that are on the base by default.Mon, Mar 17, 1:37 PM
PR9INICHEK updated the task description. (Show Details)
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
PR9INICHEK renamed this task from [Feature Request] (Conflict) Allow to get supplies when disassembling all buildings that are on the base by default to [Feature Request] (Conflict) Allow to get supplies when disassembling all composions that are on the base by default.
PR9INICHEK renamed this task from [Feature Request] (Conflict) Allow to get supplies when disassembling all composions that are on the base by default to [Feature Request] (Conflict) Allow to get supplies when disassembling all compositions that are on the base by default.
PR9INICHEK updated the task description. (Show Details)
PR9INICHEK updated the task description. (Show Details)
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Mon, Mar 17, 1:40 PM
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Mon, Mar 17, 1:42 PM
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
PR9INICHEK updated the task description. (Show Details)
PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Mon, Mar 17, 1:46 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Mon, Mar 17, 1:55 PM