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Rubberbanding/Skating Glitch
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Whenever i die and then respawn my character glitches around. i dont press any key. he just keeps rubberbanding/skating around.
after a while it stops but then this continues to happen no matter how long the character is alive.
the only way to "fix" this is a relog. sometimes after i killed myself a few times it gets better but still comes back eventually.
it seems like it is a server issue. he "miscalculates" my current "new" position and then tries to draw me back to the place were i previously died.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10 Pro Version 22H2
Steps To Reproduce

log into a server and run around. then kill yourself and respwawn. keep doing that until you rubberband or skate around. might not be as severe for you as it is for me.

Additional Information

it was the worst on the map namalsk. i also tested it on chernarus and livonia and on servers with good and bad ping. (playing on community servers)
i have seen this issue occur for other friends, as well as for streamers on twitch.
this bug happens since update 1.27 is out. before that i never had problems with it.
pls look into this. it makes the game almost unplayable for me rn.

thank you and have a good day.

Event Timeline

Knolle56 created this task.Fri, Mar 14, 3:45 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Fri, Mar 14, 3:53 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Knolle56,
Has this occurred since 1.27 stable came out? Or has this started to occur since the recent experimental?

I never play experimental. It started since i updated to the new 1.27 stable patch.

Geez added a comment.Fri, Mar 14, 4:07 PM

Thank you, do you experience this on an official servers or just community ones? If the latter, are there some mods possibly installed that could cause this?

Hello Knolle56,
Has this occurred since 1.27 stable came out? Or has this started to occur since the recent experimental?

I almost never play official servers. i cant think of a mod that could cause this. the servers i play are basically "vanilla"

Geez added a comment.Fri, Mar 14, 4:17 PM
This comment was removed by Geez.
Knolle56 added a comment.EditedFri, Mar 14, 5:03 PM

ok, so i just tested it on an official chernarus server.
it still happened but it was not as bad as on namalsk. still very annoying, makes you fall off roofs or glitch off of edges.

It's insane they keep asking for more info when the majority of the community is complaining about this issue. Why do they refuse to play the game and test it?
Worst dev team to exist. No wonder the community hates them.

Geez quit being fucking lazy and trying to blame other sources instead of fixing the game! Why the fuck is the dev team so lazy???

hey man cmon stay cool. i get your frustration, im frustrated too.
i dont know how its like to program a game and try to fix bugs etc. but i imagine that it is not an easy task.
yeah im annoyed by all the stuff that is not working properly in this game,really... but for the first time this particular bug makes it impossible to play right now.