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Marker system in Arma Reforger
New, NormalPublic


Game Version number: Doesn't matter
Modded?: Doesn't matter

Issue Description:

  1. Issue with current marker system is that they do not retain icon center with zooming, example below:

    Zoomed in and placed on that specific house
    Same marker, but zoomed out is just pointing at the town
  2. Retain last selected Custom Marker settings (Shape, Color, Orientation)
  3. Add ability to localy (just for yourself) delete non owned (placed by other people) markers, as sometimes map can get quite cluttered.
  4. Add ability to place Group only markers, sometimes you'd prefer to mark something for your teammates and do not want to clutter everyones screen.
  5. Add Custom Marker black color, it is ussualy the most contrasting color out of all on the map.

Feature recommendations:

  1. (for PC): Double click on the map, would instantly take you to Custom Marker placement. (instead of needing to choose military or custom)
  2. Checkbox for including timestamp to marker
  3. Pointing on map, ability to point at something on the map, for other nearby people to see, without having to place down a marker
  4. Free drawing, of course, if spam is of concern, drawing could only share between nearby players, or restricted for squad leaders only

These would make a large difference for more organised teams. As at the moment markers are quite clunky to use at best.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Open Map
  2. Zoom in fully
  3. Place Marker
  4. Zoom out
  5. Observe offset

Event Timeline

Markoo created this task.Wed, Mar 12, 5:56 PM
Markoo updated the task description. (Show Details)Wed, Mar 12, 5:59 PM

The ability to double click LMB on the map which places a black dot and open a text box, so I can type "enemy" or "command truck" then press enter which will place the marker for all my team to see. This is how it was in arma3 and it was perfect.

Map markers should also be placed where your cursor was when you open radial menu instead of the name for the marker