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URAL-4320 Construction / Arsenal / Ammo Trucks Have Impenetrable Canopies against all projectiles, AT even rockets.
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


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Issue Description:
The canopy of the URAL-4320 is able to stop all projectiles, from small arms to 50 cal. to AT rockets. You can compare this to the US Army's US923A1 to see that this is not intended behaviour. This results in these URALs being indestructible from any shots that hit this considerably large surface of it.

The canopies of other URAL-4320 (e.g. transport truck) are not affected by this bug.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Reproducible in GM mode.

  1. Place a URAL-4320 construction / arsenal / ammo truck
  2. Fire a LAW / RPG / 50 .cal / NSV 12.7 into the vehicle by aiming at the canopy.
  3. Fly the GM camera into the interior of the canopy and observe that there is an entry decal for the projectile, but there is no exit decal.
  4. The canopy is therefore impenetrable by any projectile.
  5. Compare this with the US's M923A1 versions of these trucks or other variants of the URAL-4320 (e.g. covered transport) lorry to see what the intended behaviour is: all projectiles should be penetrating the canopy.
Additional Information

This is causing these versions of the URAL-4320 to be invulnerable to AT rockets that hit the canopy, where as identically placed shots to the US923A1 versions will destroy it immediately.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Tue, Mar 11, 6:06 PM