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1.27 Weapons feedback
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Hello. Another post about long-range sniping, I know. Shorter version : add larger caliber for long range sniping.

Longer version (but read it too please):
Problem : at larger distances (600m+), especially when target has platecarrier+helmet, it is required to land minimum 2 shots to neutralize the target. 1st shot is not a problem, but after 2nd it is very very unlikely to land it. Target knows about you, it can retreat, hide , relog. All you have to do is to pray to land 2nd shot on moving target at 600m+ distance with more than a second of bullet delay timetravel (sounds fun, right), OR pretend that you are Usain Bolt and cover 600m under the targets unconscious time (~40s...).

This is eliminates long range kills at the beginning. I've asked Marks recently what he thinks about that, he said "there is long range sniping". Whel, technically yes, you can land 1st shot and then just brag hey look I've landed 700m shot, yes, true, but did you kill it? - no. Exactly, right now this is the only purpose of such shots.

O really like what you do with SV98 trying to push long range out of it, and I truly appreciate it. But still it's way too not enough.

There is Pioneer, combined with acog x4 and suppressor - amazing sniper rigle, one of my favourites. up to 250 - 300m - king of silent sniping. You can always try to aim to the head. Like it a lot.
Then there's Tundra/Savana : under 450-500m - amazing rifle, you can drop uncon a target even in full protection from the 1st shot, and the distance allows you to land 2nd shot on a lying body. Plus bottle suppressors - have 3 of them it'll grant you 9 shots total - very cool.
Untill it steps over 600m+. Somehow you guys afraid of larger bullet calibers like Gabe afraids of number 3.

Solution : the solution is for you to start wanting doing something in this directions, realisations are planty: from new sniper rifle in larger caliber, to bringing back Blaze 2 shot accuracy, or play with uncon time or many more. The key is to start wanting to change it, without it it's nothing.

P.S. Had some time played with crossbow : wasn't a fan before, but now... against other players you need to have some skill as it won't forgive you a misstake, but against of zombies and other wildlife - best silent weapon, love it.
Spartan shotgun : at first I didn't like it, why we need it when we already have bk-43 I thought? I was dumb. The model is amazing, that old metal combined with worn wood, and that plastic light red buttpad - my favourite shotgun now. The guy who painted the model did amazing job.

Thanks for reading, hope you'll make decisions out of this, have a nice day.


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