Russian localisation for the SherpaHat_ColorBase ("$STR_CfgVehicles_SherpaHat_ColorBase0") is "Шапочка из шерпы" (A hat MADE FROM Sherpas).
The Sherpa people (Standard Tibetan: ཤར་པ།, romanized: shar pa) are one of the Tibetan ethnic groups native to the Sikkim and West Bengal states of India, the mountainous regions of Nepal and the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China. <- Wikipedia.
Thus, a hat cannot be made "From (из)" Sherpas, but a hat is the one that Sherpa people wear, a hat "of" Sherpas.
The correct translation for "$STR_CfgVehicles_SherpaHat_ColorBase0" is "Шапочка Шерпа" (Sherpa hat) NOT Шапочка из шерпа