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DayZ launcher issue
Reviewed, NormalPublic


The steam launcher for DayZ is saying our server has no mods which is incorrect. It has been like this for a week now. The only way anyone get into the server is the use the DZSA launcher.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

open the launcher and find Grims Aussie PvE Rostow under community and youll see it

Additional Information

If players have played on a different server ( as many do) when they come back to ours they cant get in without using the DZSA launcher as the steam launcher wont load any mods. Even if they load them manually, because the launcher says the server has no mods, it unloads them when trying to join.

Event Timeline

DJGRIM created this task.Thu, Feb 20, 12:30 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Thu, Feb 20, 1:57 PM

Do you run more than 36 mods at a time?

We're running 54 mods plus a mod pack

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Thu, Feb 20, 3:46 PM

Thank you, this is a known problem. Having over 36 mods will produce this issue.
We are looking for ways to improve this.

Ive had this many mods and more on my servers for the past 3 years and its never created this issue until now so what has changed recently that would cause this?