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Launcher issue since the 1.26 update
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


Since the update when you click on a server that you want to join then get the option to join loading mods and DLCs, these buttons have been replaced with your link button for the new DLC and a padlock button. I dont even get the option to put a password in for my own server anymore. The launcher is also saying that there are no mods on the servers which is incorrect. For players that last played , they can just click on the play button and join but if they've played on a different server and want to come back to ours, they have no way of selecting the correct mods for that server and will be forced to use the DZSA launcher to do so


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

its there in the launcher all the time since the update

Event Timeline

DJGRIM created this task.Oct 16 2024, 1:23 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Oct 16 2024, 10:10 AM
Geez merged a task: Restricted Maniphest Task.Oct 16 2024, 1:34 PM
Geez added subscribers: OdorFedov, Geez.
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Oct 16 2024, 1:54 PM

Thank you for your reports.
We have confirmed the issue and it has been scheduled for a fix.

Same issue for our server. i thought you have maybe changed some ports, which sends the mod list to the launcher. Is there any information in which time we can hope for the fix?

This damn annoying thing? LOL

Numerous maps, numerous community servers it comes up for.

The only way we've got around it is if you can get a mod list for the server then save it in the launcher as a preset in the mods list. Then you can load the correct mods for the server youre trying to get into

ask server owner to add this in serverdz.cfg steamProtocolMaxDataSize = 4000; and you will not get the server lock and Get DLCs

@mCaverylow I am the server owner and I did apply that fix and no it didnt work for ours

I did apply that fix and it works fine

@mCaverylow I am the server owner and have done this and it didn’t fix it for anyone who was trying to join.

inkihh added a subscriber: inkihh.Oct 22 2024, 2:10 PM