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1.27 Experimental feedback + 1 bug
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Hello guys. Been playing 1.27 exp for some time, here's what I got:

The mechanic with keys and containers is a solid step in the right direction. If you have no boat and have to make your way from the north, especially from the left side to get to Burukkan from the main entrance - it takes 4+ hours (get to Burukkan, cross ice to Shantar, cross ice again and get to the ship). This is very good. And then you have to go back somehow. With a boat, this is much faster, but on foot it makes you busy for a while. This part of a new update is perfect. 2nd part - old known illness - the reward. No arguments DMR is a great weapon, but you can find it on other maps with much less sweat. M79 would maybe be a good variant, but it is a very niche weapon and you can find it way faster before the ship (I call it Borealis btw if you know what I mean, fantastically done). What I mean if there was something else, not only for new players who you have to go easy with to make them not be scared from the first time, but also for veteran players like me who aren't afraid of challenges.

This is just an idea. I know you read feedback, so at least you'll read it. If there was 3rd part of this "Borealis quest" : a special container, or a chance to spawn some special key / card in one of those containers that would lead to one more place (can be enterable submarine in the ice on the other side of the map / an oil rig / a mine, or even some simple building / asset, doesn't really matter), that is locked, and only this special key would open it. So it would double the time of a quest and make players more busy. But there has to be something worthy as a reward (like a machine gun, or hi-cal sniper, or something that is not a weapon, doesn't really matter, but something superb and powerful that will serve as a proper reward for 8+ hours worthwhile, or less if you are on the boat ofc). I don't think that atm you have a weapon that is only 1 or 2 units per server. I think that would serve a good weight on the other side of weights to negate its power. Even if somebody were killed by that, if I was killed with that I would know that it's only 1-2 per server, and the guy made a hell of a trip to get it (or just got lucky by killing the owner), because I went there too and I know that is not easy to get it.

It would raise a problem where to place that new item on other maps, or make it sakhal exlusive, but I'm sure you'll figure it out (for a weapon for example you can create in-game condition that on Chernarus and Livonia 3d model will be same, but in smaller caliber, and description would say that it was redone for some reason, so non-Sakhal owners won't be offended)

So if new players doesn't want to go hard they would finish 1st part of a quest and call it a day, but if they want to continue - there's a 2nd part, be my guest, and I don't have to explain about veterans.

To be short: new quest is amazing, but the reward is little and known old. I personally would like to see new hi-cal sniper rifle (what a surprise, right), but any top tier weapon, or something completely different that would give reasonable, but worthy of a journey advantage would be great.

Thank you for a small step in long range sniping by increasing kill power for SV98 a bit. That is still way too not enough, but I know even this cost a lot for you to make, so thank you, appreciate it.

The bug: you can swim on Sakhal either only fast regardless of stamina or only slow regardless of stamina. It happened 2 different times on 2 different days, not one short time, but during both long sessions.

Thank you for your work. Sakhal is a great map, still ways for improvement (like new locations: submarines / oilrigs / mines / secret headquarters bunker). Everyone who says Sakhal is a flop either clickbaiting or never played it, sold copies, speaks for themselves (for a second for DLC of 10y.o. game).


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