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The extinguishing fire action is not availiable on a helicopter
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: No (Yes/No)

Issue Description:
When you're shot at with machine guns and stuff your helicopter might start smoking. You can't get rid of it, except that sometimes you can actually get on fire with time, and then you can extinguish it. . Players on the ground start thinking, that the helicopter is almost dead, when in reality it might be fully repaired. The extinguishing action only appears when there is smoke.


Operating System
Linux x64
Steps To Reproduce

The problem is that I couldn't reproduce it in a singleplayer for some reason. But in multiplayer basically every time I got smoke, I couldn't extinguish, with like 1-2 exceptions. And I think the same happened to other players.

  1. Get in a UH-1
  2. Get shot at by other players while flying
  3. Wait until there's smoke
  4. Try to extinguish it
Additional Information

The action on the video says "Extinguish fire" and then it says "No damage" at the bottom of the screen.

Event Timeline

Krozj created this task.Feb 1 2025, 8:38 AM
Krozj updated the task description. (Show Details)
StevieB added a subscriber: StevieB.Feb 1 2025, 8:52 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Feb 3 2025, 2:12 PM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Thu, Feb 20, 10:45 AM