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Feature Request: Improved Infantry Strafe Animation in Arma Reforger
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The current infantry strafe animation in Arma Reforger results in unnatural jerking movements, particularly when strafing left or right. This issue arises because the character crosses their legs during the strafing motion. This technique is not only unrealistic but also impractical, as crossing legs can cause imbalance and hinder the ability to quickly change direction. Additionally, rapid switching between strafing directions exacerbates the issue, resulting in jerky, ragdoll-like animations that break immersion.
Moreover, this leg-crossing animation persists even when the character is in a deep squat position, which looks particularly ridiculous and beyond what an average person could athletically achieve.


Jumping Jack-Like Movement:

  • Replace the leg-crossing animation with a strafing motion that resembles the leg movement seen in jumping jacks. In this approach, the legs alternate outward and inward in a controlled manner, maintaining balance and fluidity.
  • This animation style will look more natural and aligned with realistic human movement, especially during subtle or rapid strafing actions.

Improved Direction Changes:

  • Ensure that when players quickly switch directions (e.g., from left to right), the transition between animations is seamless and fluid, avoiding the current jerky and unnatural effect.
  • The animation should prioritize smooth transitions to maintain immersion and realism.

Polished Half-Step Movements:

  • For smaller or partial strafing movements, the animation should appear continuous and natural, without abrupt pauses or awkward transitions.
  • The jumping jack-inspired leg movement will also improve the appearance of partial steps, ensuring they look balanced and realistic.


  • Enhanced realism and immersion in character movement.
  • Smoother and more balanced strafing animations.
  • Better responsiveness and fluidity during rapid direction changes, crucial for combat scenarios.
  • A more polished and immersive experience for players.
  • By adopting a strafing motion similar to jumping jacks, the game will achieve a more realistic, balanced, and visually appealing movement system, greatly enhancing the infantry gameplay experience.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Not rellevant.
Steps To Reproduce


Event Timeline

michup86 created this task.Jan 26 2025, 8:44 PM

Moreover, this leg-crossing animation persists even when the character is in a deep squat position, which looks particularly ridiculous and beyond what an average person could athletically achieve.

michup86 updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 26 2025, 8:49 PM

The game will stay as it is. Maybe Arma 4.

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 27 2025, 3:43 PM

yeah I agree with @michup86 the current animations looks janky and poor. it is too fast. It makes PVP in CQB devolve into strafing bunny hopping battles that are nowhere near what ARMA is meant to be about